I am the master of my world

Diamando Stratakos
3 min readFeb 1, 2021
When you feel buried under a mountain of life, obligations and stress

No matter how much I want to believe in my own mastery of my world, it can be hard to see it when things get rough. Life tends to bury us in mountains of external circumstances that can make us forget how much control we have.

In these instances of uncertainty and instability, I choose to notice what I’m feeling and not judge. Easier said than done, for sure. Even as I write this, there is a little voice inside me saying, “Diamando, you have spent countless hours blindly watching television and scrolling through social media. You’re no expert.”

I’m not an expert. I’m just a human being, like everyone else.

That said, I feel confident in expressing that my humanity is a vivid part of me. It is something that can’t be denied or ignored. My perceived weaknesses are my strengths, and that’s incredibly empowering.

I am the master of my world, but my world is composed of people and things that give me permission to own myself, faults and all.

As I come to this realization and try to express it to others, I find that I can offer a few words of wisdom and tips that have helped me. I hope they will help you as well.

  1. Don’t compare. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t compare yourself to how you were yesterday. Don’t compare yourself to how you want to be tomorrow or next week, or ten years from now. Your journey is your own, and where you land in it each day is completely unique to you. That is your beauty and your power.
  2. Don’t judge. This is tough, but vital. When you feel yourself judging someone else (or yourself), take a moment to pause. Breathe. Center yourself and come back to the present. You are the master of your world, but you are not the master of anyone else’s. You can only control your actions and reactions. When you let go of judgment, you can focus more on the amazing things that are already inside you.
  3. Keep learning. Take classes, read books or articles, and listen to other people. There is so much out there in the world, and only when you seek that knowledge will you be able to decide what will work for you. More importantly, you can start to see what isn’t meant for you.
  4. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Though it may feel hard to do when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and watch Netflix, there are so many unique ways people have come up with to connect and collaborate. That connection will continuously elevate you. I recommend you check out this 30-Day Friendship Challenge.
  5. Approach things from a place of wonder. If you, like me, also love systems and structure, this can be a puzzle. Life doesn’t always come with a rule book, no matter how much you want it to. I have found a lot of success replacing the words, “I need,” and “I want,” with “I wonder.” Remember what it was like being a kid and feeling full of awe? Bringing a little bit of that into your life will help you make big shifts.

Whether these five tasks seem simple or overwhelming, I offer you these words of encouragement. There is no failure in life. There is only the opportunity for growth and transformation. Read that again. Read it 100 times. Speak it out loud. Say it to yourself in the mirror. Tape it to your wall. Set an alert on your phone that shows you that message. Seeing is believing.




Diamando Stratakos

Running a business is a body, mind & soul journey. ​My purpose is to help you creatively expand what being an entrepreneur means for you.